November 2022:
Important Calendar Days to look out for Awareness Campaigns

November Awareness Calendar: Embarking on Fall Fundraising
The holiday season is almost upon up - December is when the warm furry coats will come out, hot chocolate with marshmallows will be had, and Netflix will start suggesting rom-com Christmas movies. People get in a cheerful, giving mood but it all starts in November which marks the start of the giving season.
We are sure you have heard of Movemeber - #NoshavingMonth. The entire month is dedicated to raising awareness about issues related to men’s health and well-being, including mental health and the increased suicide rate among men. November is also an awareness month for lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Here are important awareness days in November every nonprofit and charity should consider while planning their content calendar.
November Awareness Calendar
World Vegan Day
Nov 1, 2022
Veganism is a lifestyle choice that has gained increasing popularity in recent decades for the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and environmental benefits it offers. The vegan community has thrived and become stronger over the years and veganism plays an important role in the food and lifestyle industry.
November 1 is an important date for all those nonprofits working against animal cruelty and social enterprises working for cruelty-free products.
World Tsunami Awareness Day
Nov 5, 2022
Disasters and humanitarian crises affect millions of people every year. Government and social organizations are continuously working to limit the effect of these calamities. If your organization works for flood awareness and the welfare of flood-affected people, the United Nations has designated November 5 as the World Tsunami Awareness Day to bring international bodies together and spread awareness about the near and future possible effects of these deadly waves.
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
Nov 6, 2022
The growing arm conflicts are a reason behind food and water insecurities in many parts of the world. Over the years, wars have been polluting water and soil, destroying forests and livelihoods, depleting natural resources, and have been a leading cause behind many humanitarian crises.
The UN General Assembly declared 6 November of each year as the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflicts.
National Cancer Day (India)
Nov 7, 2022
India's cancer incidence is lower than in developed nations, yet death rates are higher due to late detection for a myriad of reasons. It’s important to raise and spread awareness about this deadly disease to save lives. Every year on November 7 people across India observe National Cancer Day in order to spread awareness, help cancer-affected people, fight against misconceptions related to cancer and the prejudices associated with it, and also to innovate new ways of reducing the care gap.
World Kindness Day
Nov 13, 2022
World Kindness Day, observed on November 13 as part of the World Kindness movement, is one of the most essential days for nonprofits as philanthropic organizations flourish on the kindness of people. The day is commemorated to celebrate and promote kindness throughout the world.
It is a good opportunity to call your donors and supporters and thank them for their kindness, celebrate your nonprofit’s achievements, and promote the healthy effect of even a little bit of kindness.
International Men's Day
Nov 19, 2022
It is a day to celebrate and recognize the cultural, political, and social contributions of men in the world and also a day to spread awareness about men’s well-being, create awareness about gender relations, & focus on promoting gender equality.
If your organization is working towards gender equality, breaking myths and stigmas regarding toxic masculinity, and promoting healthy well-being, this is a perfect day to celebrate and fundraise.
Women's Entrepreneurship Day
Nov 19, 2022
Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED) is observed on 19 November in over 144 countries. As the name suggests The United nations introduced this day to encourage and support women entrepreneurs. Every year international and national summits happen on this day to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of women business leaders and entrepreneurs toward economic growth and development.
World Toilet Day
Nov 19, 2022
Toilets play an essential part in achieving global public health goals. A safe hygienic toilet represents a positive healthy environment, sanitization and cleanliness, clean water, less soil contamination, and human dignity, along with personal safety, especially for females.
World Toilet Day is observed on November 19 by United Nations to inspire, track and promote actions towards the global sanitation crisis.
World Children’s Day
Nov 20, 2022
Every child has rights - the right to education, the right to be treated with dignity and respect, the right to be part of the community, the right to express their opinions, and the right to be protected from violence and discrimination.
World Children’s Day was established around 50 years back as Universal Children's Day to bring international bodies together and inspire action toward children's welfare on November 20.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Nov 25, 2022
November 25 is designated by the United Nations as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women to raise awareness around the world on rape, domestic violence, & other forms of violence; furthermore, one of the aims of the day is to highlight that the scale & true nature of the issue which often remains hidden.
Since 2014, the official theme framed by the UN's campaign UNITE to End Violence against Women is 'Orange your Neighborhood.
Giving Tuesday
Nov 29, 2022
Giving Tuesday has been the highlight of the philanthropic world. It marks the giving festival in over 80 countries. Every year since 2012, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is celebrated as Giving Tuesday - a day to promote the concept of generosity not as a benevolence that the haves show to the have-nots but rather as an expression of mutuality, solidarity, and reciprocity.
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